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Spring is in the air!


Welcome to Springtime 2023.

It has been a long and very difficult winter and quite a few changes here at Hensell Goat World.

The feed and hay prices have continued to rise steeply as have the fuel and electric, its been a difficult time for most. Fortunately the vet bills have been down on last winter but fingers crossed, not wishing to tempt fate!

Donations over the winter months have been fewer which is quite understandable considering the current climate and this has put a strain on our budget and we had to trim down on treats and new winter coats for the goats but the old coats got us through another winter albeit a bit tatty and some had small tears from rubbing against bushes etc but they still kept them warm and dry.

The website now has the shop page open and gift ware is being added on to it, as it arrives.

There is a DONATE tab and there is also an ADOPT A GOAT tab where after choosing the animal you would like to adopt, you can visit the SHOP page and purchase an ADOPTION PACKAGE.

The farm did encounter 3 weeks of very hard frost and ice and this affected the water supply so armed with water carriers each day we cracked the thick ice in the troughs with a lump hammer and kept the water clean and flowing. The boiler and hot water taps burst and as they were quite old with obsolete parts, they all had to be replaced with new which was quite a challenge.

Thankfully the milder weather has arrived with a few days of sunshine although with lots of rain which is making the whole farm squelchy underfoot. The stable yard was just drying out nicely, when once again, down came the rain - Goats dont like rain! AT ALL!

Everyday they peak around the doorways when we arrive to see if its dry enough for them to venture outside or if the haybarn door is open, can they make it to the barn before the rain splashes onto them. It is so funny to watch them navigate the driest path in single file taking care not to step into a puddle.

Even the old sheep, bred to live in the bleakest of hills in Cumbria and Wales have taken up permanent residence in their cosy warm stable and they are quite happy with the view from their doorway and room service.

Hopefully on fine days we can start getting on with the niggly maintenance jobs that we have been putting off all winter.

Sleep Tight Taggy...

Sadly we had to say goodbye to our lovely old Herdwick ewe Taggy. She had reached the grand old age of 15 years old which is a very good age for a sheep. Taggy happily lived out her final years with her friends Herdwick Tabby and Welsh Mountain Woolly. All the old girls are around the same age and had lived as a small flock for many years together. Even though she had wonky legs from Arthritis, she was always first at the teatime feed bowls and loved a Hobnob oaty biscuit. Taggy along with the other Herdwick ladies originally lived in the Cumbrian hills which is the native area for Herdwick sheep. They were purchased by a lady at the famous annual Cockermouth Sheep Sale and when the lady suffered some personal difficulties, Taggy and the flock of Herdwicks came to live out their days at our Hensell Sanctuary. Once a very wild and shy ewe, over the years she mellowed to become a very friendly and I would like to think, appreciative sheep who would ask for cuddles and of course a Hobnob biscuit.

She is survived by her paddock mates Tabby and Woolly and her lovely daughter Elfie.

Goodnight Taggy xxxxx we will not forget you

On a brighter note, the goat rescue which has been a private farm until now is in the process of opening to the public during the summer months as a small tourist attraction and activity centre. We are still awaiting some official documents and the completion of our public amenities are still to be installed but we are soon to be opening the bookings line for off site activities such as children's outdoor parties, care home visits and lots more.

On the farm the ground conditions still need to improve as with all the rain, the grass is still wet underfoot and still muddy in areas from over winter but now the sun is shining and Easter is upon us, it shouldn't be too much longer before everyone can visit and say hello to their favourite animal and get those fab photo opportunities.

See you when we open...

Bye for now x


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